Shabbat Services are held each Friday evening at 6pm. Attire is easy: Casual to Shabbat "dressy" - JUST COME! All ages are welcome - so bring the kids - or kids, bring the parents!
Special Events
We look forward to seeing you at our High Holy Day Services. No tickets are required. Please see the schedule on our Home page.
Conversion Service
On January 5, 2024, at our regular Shabbat service, we will welcome 6 new Jews to our Community. They have studied with Rabbi Judy for about a year (or more) and have met all the requirements for conversion to Judaism.
Queen Esther and King Ahashuerosh participate in the Purim Shpiel.
Members of our Family Shabbat group making hamantaschen during Purim.
Purim Fun On Friday, March 18, 2022, we hosted a fun evening of Purim festivities. We began with a brief Shabbat service and then presented a Purim Shpiel with a Dr. Seuss theme. Many thanks to those who participated in the show: Alan Barth, Gaynell Barth, Bill Levinson, Chris Colbert, Allison Dalton, Rachel Allen and Rabbi Judy.. Afterwards, we hosted a pot luck dinner with lots of hamantaschen baked by Rabbi Judy.
On Saturday, we had fun making hamantaschen in the kitchen.
Shabbat Mishpocha
As the children in our congregation have gotten older, we have re-named Tot Shabbat - Shabbat Mishpocha (Family Shabbat). We host a Family Shabbat on Saturday mornings with a brief service, a special activity and a snack whenever Rabbi Judy is in town. All families are welcome to attend. Please contact the Temple to find out the schedule.
We are grateful to the Temple Sisterhood for purchasing special prayer books for us to use for our Shabbat Mishpocha services.
2400 Orell Place | Monroe, LA 71201 | (318) 387-0730